Web accessibility: where social inclusion, regulatory compliance and business perspectives meet in the digital world

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Our reality is constantly crossed with digitality, which permeates every aspect of our lives. In 2015, UNESCO adopted the concept of “Internet Universality”, which has been followed by growing debate around accessibility to this virtual world. How accessible is the digital world we inhabit?

Web accessibility is defined by the ability of any person, regardless of their physical, sensory or cognitive abilities, to access information and services offered online. This concept encompasses a wide spectrum of users, from visual or hearing impaired individuals to those with physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning or neurological disabilities. 

In this article, we’ll analyze in detail the different aspects of web accessibility: social inclusion, regulatory compliance and business perspectives. In addition, we’ll examine web accessibility in the Latin American context and review its main accessibility standards and guidelines.

Decoding web accessibility: three intertwined perspectives

This basic yet fundamental aspect is not without its complexities. Web accessibility encompasses three essential perspectives that feed back into each other: social inclusion, regulatory compliance and business perspective. 

1. Web accessibility: inclusion in the digital world

Approximately 15% of the world’s population has a disability. According to the WHO, there are 1.3 billion people with a significant disability worldwide. And the scenario in Latin America is not that different: the World Bank estimates that there are 85 million people with a disability, representing 14.7% of the population.  

When a digital environment fails to secure accessibility, this universe of millions of individuals is excluded from full participation in the digital economy. 

Web accessibility is essential for inclusion in the digital world: by eliminating the barriers that prevent people with a disability from fully participating in the digital life, it promotes equal opportunities and results in a better quality of life

Additionally, the inclusion brought about by web accessibility not only benefits users with disabilities, but also improves navigation for elderly users and optimizes, for instance, mobile web usability, extending its advantages to a greater number of users. 

The elimination of accessibility barriers can be translated into greater social equality, a more inclusive digital market and an improvement in people’s quality of life. 

2. A regulatory perspective: web accessibility regulations

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), ratified by 193 countries, establishes the right of people with disabilities to access information and communication on equal conditions

When we take this concept into the digital world, questions arise surrounding the characteristics a website must have to be effectively accessible. Although there is no single answer, many governments and organizations have promoted regulations and standards in an attempt to guarantee equal access to online information and services. 

WCAG and ADA: an international guideline and a legislation of reference

In the realm of web accessibility regulations, WCAG and ADA are two major references. 

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), provide recommendations to make content more accessible to all users. Since its creation, the WCAG has evolved from the popular WCAG 2.0, a version published in 2008, to the most updated version published in 2023, WCAG 2.2.

Additionally, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has played a crucial role in the promotion of web accessibility in the United States, and has attracted the interest of the international community. This legislation, requiring websites to be accessible to people with disabilities, on several occasions has caused controversy resulting in legal action against them as well as the demand for clearer guidelines. 

An overview of Latin American Laws

Many Latin American countries, such as Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay, have taken significant steps towards defining a regulatory framework in a quest for  greater web accessibility.

These regulations share the common objective of eliminating digital barriers, focusing mainly on governmental and educational sites, but also leading the way for companies and organizations. In this sense, it is always advisable to have the guidance and advice of a Latin American agency to guarantee regulatory compliance in each specific country. 

  • Brazil: law No. 10,098, which lays base for the general standards and criteria for the promotion of accessibility, was modified in 2004 by decree 5,296, which establishes the accessibility standards for websites, programs and applications in the public and private sectors. In 2015, law No. 13,146 for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities was added into the picture. 
  • Argentina: law No. 26,653 regulates accessibility of website information. The regulatory authority, the National Office of Information Technologies (ONTI), set accessibility standards through ONTI provision No. 6/2019. Additionally, the Central Bank of Argentina, through communication “A” 7517/2022, established that all financial entities must comply with digital accessibility requirements.
  • Colombia: statutory law No. 1,618 establishes provisions regarding the exercise of the rights of people with disabilities. In addition, in 2008 decree No 1,151 established the mandatory requirements for entities that make up the public administration in Colombia. 
  • Peru: in 2005, law No. 28,530 for the promotion of internet access for people with disabilities was passed, establishing the obligation of public entities and universities to incorporate access options for people with a visual impairment in their web pages and portals. 
  • Uruguay: decree 406/022, published in 2023, establishes standards on digital accessibility, recognizing information technologies as a key factor for social integration and equality. This regulation mentions as standards those established in the WCAG. 

In general, regulatory frameworks lack standards and practical guidelines to ensure accessibility or facilitate its effective implementation, which raises questions about how to guarantee regulatory compliance. 

3. Business perspective: the strategic benefits of web accessibility

Web accessibility is also a strategic component of business success. One of the most clear and obvious benefits is the expansion of the target market and the emergence of new business opportunities

An accessible website opens the door to millions of additional users, as it improves the experience and the ease of use for all visitors, which can increase conversions and reduce bound rates, while increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

56% of people with disabilities mentioned accessibility as a reason for choosing one online store over another. An accessible website not only provides a competitive advantage, but it further increases the likelihood that users will return and recommend the company, thereby strengthening brand reputation

In addition, being at the forefront of web accessibility can ensure early regulatory compliance, avoiding the need for costly updates and the risk of lawsuits and legal penalties. 

An accessible website can generate higher ROI by increasing traffic, conversions and customer loyalty, as well as eliminating the risk of regulatory non-compliance.

Web accessibility guidelines and standards

Whether from a business, regulatory or social perspective, web accessibility is a key element for any business or organization with an online presence. 

Although, as we’ve seen, most regulations in this area do not set specific parameters and guidelines that can guarantee adequate web accessibility, there is some general consensus around the guidelines established in the WCAG. 

Consequently, we’ll use these guidelines as a starting point to analyze the main web accessibility guidelines and standards.  

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list to guarantee a specific level of accessibility. The elements we’ll analyze are triggers, key aspects to improve accessibility in the digital environment. For a more comprehensive analysis and optimization, it’s advisable to rely on the support of web evaluation and analysis services.

Key steps for web accessibility optimization

Below, we’ll analyze a series of basic recommendations to improve your website’s accessibility

1. Accessible structure

  • The website should have a clear and logical structure, with a well-defined hierarchy of content. This facilitates users’ navigation and understanding of the site. 
  • Use subtitles. This allows for the organization of website content and facilitates its reading. Additionally, they are essential for screen readers to identify the structure of the site. 
  • Use heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) in a hierarchical and consistent manner to structure the content. This facilitates navigation and the understanding of the content, especially for those users that rely on assistive technology.
  • Internal links should be clear, descriptive and well-organized. This allows users to easily navigate through the site and find the information they are looking for. 

2. Accessible design

  • The website needs to be responsive to adapt to different screen sizes and different devices. This guarantees that all users can access the content in an optimal manner, regardless of the device they are using. An expert professional web design can be key in this process. 
  • The colors used on the website need to have enough contrast to be visible for people with color blindness or other visual impairments. 

3. Accessible content

  • The language used on the website needs to be clear, simple and easy to understand. Technical and specialized jargon should be avoided, as it can be confusing for some users. 
  • Images, graphics and other visual content should have alternative text (alt text) that describes its content. This is essential, for instance, for visually impaired users to access information through screen readers. 
  • Videos and audios need to have a transcription that allows users with hearing disabilities to access the content. 
  • Avoid content that flickers or flashes at frequencies that can act as a trigger for epileptic seizures. 

4. Accessible interactivity and navigation 

  • Keep a consistent navigational structure throughout the website. This facilitates familiarization and navigation of the site for all users. 
  • The website must allow for keyword-only navigation. This is essential for users with reduced mobility or motor disabilities to be able to access the content without the need to use a mouse. 
  • The website should be compatible with the most popular screen readers. This allows users with visual disabilities to access the content by voice. 
  • Website forms should be accessible for all users. This involves, for instance, using clear tags, auto-complete options and understandable data validation. 

Web accessibility: an unwavering imperative in a digital world

Web accessibility is an undeniable necessity and right, but it can also be the fundamental tool that opens the door towards social inclusion, regulatory compliance and enriched business perspectives. 

While there are several questions surrounding the practical implementation of web accessibility, there are, as we’ve seen, some fundamental actions any business or organization can implement on their website to heed the call for a more accessible digital world. 

In a world increasingly permeated by digitality, web accessibility is not merely an option, it’s a necessity and an imperative that cannot be put off and should be addressed to build a digital presence that is as inclusive as it is effective. 

Written by: Agustina Alvarez Rossi