Latin Americans Speak

Out on Data Privacy

Over 3,400 Latin Americans shared their concerns about data privacy and AI adoption in the region. Here’s what they had to said:

 They don’t trust their data is protected

77% are concerned about their data being sold without consent. Only 33% trust their government to protect their data, highlighting a deep-seated mistrust in both public and private sectors.

How is this affecting


41% of Latin Americans are limiting personal data sharing online. Additionally, 55% say they’d stop using a company if it leaked their personal information. In Argentina, 63% of respondents say they’d boycott the company if this happened.

- 71% use antivirus software. - 83% use strong passwords. - 61% read security policies thoroughly. - 41% limit data shared online.

Due to deep mistrust, Latin Americans are proactively protecting their online security:


They're taking matters

Mixed feelings about AI

While 67% believe AI will improve efficiency, 63% are worried about increased data fraud, and 69% fear job loss due to AI advancements.

To understand the root of Latin Americans' concerns about their privacy and learn about digital harassment statistics in the region, take a look at the full report!!👇👇

Earning back trust