Communication in Latin America

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Mental health at work: how companies can support remotely

Maintaining a stable career nowadays can be challenging, whether obstacles arise in your work environment, or from personal issues that hinder your corporate development. The business world had to adapt quickly to the Covid-19 pandemic in order to keep activities going…

April 9, 2021
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Diversity in communications matters more than ever in 2021

Throughout 2020, we saw many things change: ways of living, relationships, how to leave the house safely, and what to prioritize when consuming, to name but a few. This is what many people have come to refer to as the new normal and, however controversial the term may be, it calls for reflection and self-criticism….

January 29, 2021
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Diversity and Inclusion on Social Media: where to begin?

With its internal consultancy initiative and talks with NGOs and institutions, Sherlock Communications continues to increase its affirmative actions towards diversity and inclusion. In addition to PR, social networks are another field of focus – a space which has become a “new” dimension of communication and that needs to be made more accessible. Today, social…

January 21, 2021
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