Digital Marketing

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Crisis management on social media: all you need to know

A brand's digital reputation is built with a lot of effort, planning, content creation and audience relationships - work that can take weeks, months or even years. However, in this highly online world we live in, a positive image can be destroyed in a matter of minutes. Therefore, Crisis Management on Social Media is an...
August 19, 2022
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Will a company ever finish its social media marketing strategy?

Against the backdrop of a highly competitive, hi-tech market, it is essential for companies to invest in social media to attract, retain and build a relationship with their customers. Doing this successfully takes a lot of dedication and a change of mindset. In this article, we will help you understand the importance of the online...
July 22, 2022
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How can Google Ads help you advance your business goals?

You probably already know that Google is the largest search engine in the world. After all, we immediately turn to it for answers almost every time we have a question. It follows that an understanding of how Google Ads can help you to achieve your business goals is the first step to getting the most…

April 22, 2022
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The key steps to using Inbound Marketing for Brand Awareness

All companies aim to strengthen their brands and be remembered in a positive way by consumers and users alike. Doing so lets businesses increase their relevance in the market and, as a result, their sales. So working on brand awareness is imperative. And inbound marketing for brand awareness is a very effective potential strategy here....
February 4, 2022
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Positive Influencer Marketing: how brands can impact people’s lives

The influencer marketing sphere is constantly expanding, and as a result, digital influencers have gained space in television media and begun to influence the general public. Following an influencer's routine can shape our tastes, aesthetics and lifestyle. Sounds cool, right? But consider the extent to which this generates a comparison within us to something which...
November 26, 2021
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How a well thought-out social media strategy can help your brand

A strongly-designed and executed social media plan can optimize your brand, boost sales, build customer loyalty and improve your metrics. A presence on social media has become essential for any brand seeking long-lasting and effective marketing. When done properly, a social media strategy can result in increased sales, new customers and a creative basis on...
November 12, 2021
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Instagram Changes in 2021: how to seize new opportunities

Have you noticed the latest changes on Instagram? All social networks within the Facebook group typically go through several changes every year, especially Instagram. And the changes are extensive, ranging from the way publications are delivered to publishing tools and the app's layout. Recently, the communication market was rocked by the announcement that Instagram will...
November 5, 2021
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#AbraceDaí campaign by Sherlock Communications and Abraço Cultural supports refugees in Brazil amid the Covid-19 crisis

A hug has power. The power to welcome, comfort, transform and, at times, even heal. The spread of Covid-19 in Brazil has led to a period of social distancing, to preserve our health and that of our families…

April 24, 2020
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Social Media Advertising: Dos and Don’ts for those starting out in LATAM

When it comes to social media advertising towards Latin American audiences, there’s no magic potion that will make you automatically know what will engage your target audience and obtain incredible…

March 6, 2020
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