Public Relations

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How the 2024 Olympics revolutionized sports marketing

The 2024 Paris Olympics weren’t just one of the biggest sporting events in recent history; they marked a major shift in the sports and entertainment industry, providing key insights for sports marketing. The event drove growth in marketing and advertising, with sponsors focusing on creative strategies to engage audiences in fresh and innovative ways. Getty…

September 6, 2024
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How to start a risk matrix for coporative crisis anticipation

In today’s dynamic and interconnected business environment, crisis management has become a strategic priority for organizations across all sectors. According to the Institute for Crisis Management, only 14% of crises are unexpected, meaning 86% can be anticipated. One of the most effective tools for predicting and mitigating image and institutional crises is the creation of…

August 28, 2024
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How agile methodologies can be applied in PR and Digital Marketing

Understand what agile methodologies are and how to adapt them to any type of market Agile methodologies are, generally speaking, well known. They play a part in the everyday vernacular of technology or scientific development of professionals and companies with startups being largely responsible for "translating" agile methodologies into the business world. Companies are always...
March 22, 2024
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SEO for press releases: 5 strategies to improve your online reach

Understand how SEO can improve the impact and visibility of your press release and learn specific strategies to optimize your copy.  In the dynamic realm of today's digital landscape, crafting impeccable press releases is only the initial stride toward achieving online visibility and resonance in the ever-evolving sea of information. Even the most finely honed...
March 15, 2024
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How artificial intelligence and public relations can go hand in hand

While human touch will prevail, there are many ways we can make artificial intelligence and public relations work together in order to execute more efficient and strategic campaigns. Robots can certainly write press releases, but that won't be vital to the future of this industry.  Decision making is the most important process in any company....
January 19, 2024
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How do you make a crisis management plan in public relations?

When you hear the term "crisis management plan" it can send shivers down your spine and cause you to worry. For just as in the economy of a country, a health crisis, or even in a marital relationship, a business crisis can shake the structures and generate many uncertainties. Even if a crisis is unwanted,...
November 17, 2023
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Public relations campaigns: how to thrive in Latin America?

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the success of any brand is deeply intertwined with its ability to build and maintain strong relationships with its audience. This is where the Public Relations campaigns take into the spotlight, pivotal in shaping perceptions and fostering meaningful connections between brands and their markets. Often public relations are referred...
November 10, 2023
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10 reasons to embrace the power of multi-market PR

Since its debut in the 19th century, PR strategies have evolved to be much more than just public image management; they have emerged as the common thread that weaves reputation, sustainable growth, the path to influence and the representation of strategic audiences. Today, in a world where competition is relentless and organisations must deploy fully...
September 29, 2023
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Success Begins with Solid PR Planning

Updated on 07/31/2024   Why is planning so important in the public relations process? Well, planning is a necessary strategy to obtain results in any area - especially Public Relations, which works to maintain the image of the company, as well as that of people on the market according to the message they want to...
September 1, 2023
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How long is a press release supposed to be?

When a company or organisation wants to hire PR services, it is often left wondering:  how long is a press release supposed to be? But before we continue, we must start with the most basic concept, what is a press release? To put it simply, it is an elementary tool to address the media. A...
August 25, 2023
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