
How can PR help save a brand’s image with crisis management?

Whether it’s from user data exposure, criticism and problems with the products or services offered, or complaints and accusations against the spokesperson, there are several ways in which a company…

February 21, 2020
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Using mass media to your advantage in the social media era

A lot of people don’t realise, but the advent of social media has made the spread of news so much more palpable for different generations. To stay informed, most people – especially the younger generation…

January 9, 2020
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Juan Carr, a warrior against the cold

During last winter, very low temperatures shook Buenos Aires, the Argentinian capital. The thermometer went down and its needle marked just a little bit over zero degrees celsius. It was freezing…

December 13, 2019
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The battle for an asbestos-free Colombia

‘The mission is accomplished’, said Daniel Pineda in front of the Congress of the Republic, located in the heart of Bogotá. Daniel fought alongside his wife, Ana Cecilia Niño, for more than 5 years to get…

November 15, 2019
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Diversity in the workplace: unity is strength

Every day, media outlets and social feeds around the world report cases regarding racial, religious and gender issues. It’s clear that respecting and celebrating differences is essential for society to grow…

November 1, 2019
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Solidarity in Action

Chile is characterised by its solidarity, having had a history marked by natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and forest fires, among others…

October 18, 2019
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A Cultural Embrace: the Colombian refugee crisis hits the screens in Brazil

On the tripoint border of Brazil, Colombia and Peru lies a small tropical island called La Isla de La Fantasia – Fantasy Island. It is the setting for the 2019 film Los Silencios…

July 31, 2019
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Brazilian documentaries that go far beyond carnival and football

About a month ago, the political documentary “Democracia em Vertigem” (Democracy in Vertigo), by Petra Costa, was released on the digital streaming platform Netflix. Making use of the…

July 30, 2019
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How marketing was (finally) conquered by the Women’s World Cup

In the midst of the growing debate about gender equality, sexism and women’s empowerment around the world, the FIFA Women’s World Cup saw its coverage and publicity rise in 2019…

July 5, 2019
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Fintechs in Brazil: how they have been challenging traditional banks

In the last couple of years, the number of fintechs available for Brazilian users has increased at a tremendous rate. The reason? Fintechs are a cheaper and more practical option for people…

June 21, 2019
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