
How to measure the results of a PR Campaign

A PR campaign is made up of planned actions that have communication as their goal. To achieve this objective, you need to take into account what you want to convey, i.e. the message, and who you want to reach…

July 16, 2020
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How press management has changed during the pandemic in LATAM

Just like in other areas of human activity, the essence of PR (public relations), and of the effective press management of journalists and opinion leaders, is determined by effective communication that enables…

July 14, 2020
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What is proactive public relations, and how can it help you

Reputation is increasingly important for organizations and brands, not only as the key ingredient for building prestige, but also as the intangible asset that allows them to connect with the general public and create…

July 9, 2020
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The importance of corporate reputation in times of social crisis

COVID-19 is causing a level of turmoil, instability and crisis in the economic, social and political spheres that the world has not seen in a long time. All nations are struggling daily to understand and identify…

July 7, 2020
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How to get the most out of Event PR

An event is a great showcase for a company to show off their product, services and innovations, live and in front of the press or special guests (suppliers, future investors, customers or employees). But the PR’s role begins…

July 2, 2020
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5 Times Brazilian Memes Took Over the World

Brazil, which has the fourth highest number of internet users in the world, has carved out a weird, insular and largely non-Anglophone corner of the world wide web thanks to an unstoppable barrage…

June 30, 2020
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How to build relationships with journalists and why it matters

As obvious as it may sound, in the world of communications the most important thing is to communicate. When choosing to follow this professional path, it is important to know that your career will be shaped…

June 25, 2020
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The couch at home: self-isolating psychotherapy during the COVID-19 pandemic

With more than 200 psychologists per 100,000 inhabitants, Argentina has more psychoanalysts per capita than any other country in the world. People seek them out in difficult times, when they need a professional…

June 23, 2020
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What is a pitch in public relations?

Many people maintain that there is nothing more difficult than writing a press release, passing on pertinent information about your client’s product or innovation to journalists, and leaving them curious…

June 18, 2020
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Buy local – help others

We have to distance ourselves today in order to hold each other closer, said Martin Vizcarra during his press conference announcing an extension of the state of emergency in Peru…

June 16, 2020
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