
Influencer marketing: followers, engagement and balanced content generate business opportunities

Influencer marketing, a term already present in the market and popularized by the growth of social media, is the strategy used by companies to promote their products and services through influencers…

June 15, 2020
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Communication in the pandemic age

The context is uncertain, as humanity is experiencing the first pandemic of the social media era. Never before has a pandemic been unleashed on the world with such intensity, at the same time…

June 9, 2020
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The art of connecting through a good website

The COVID-19 pandemic has created significant challenges for brands and their positioning because, at a time when people are looking for information, entertainment and even consolation in their content…

June 4, 2020
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Confined to home, many Argentines are feeling the need to knead

These are not easy times, as the coronavirus pandemic has led to mandatory social isolation worldwide. The anxiety of confinement and the fear of contagion coexist within newly-essential customs…

June 2, 2020
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5 tips to improve your business page or profile on social media

Everyone wants to be present on social media, but not everyone knows how to do so properly. The fact is that setting up a business page and leaving it unattended, without thinking of a strategy…

May 28, 2020
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Four Brazilian TV shows you need to watch

Brazil’s film and television industry is known worldwide for its soap-operas and some classic movies, like 2002’s City of God. Over the years, the country has branched out into another medium that is becoming more accepted…

May 26, 2020
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Paid Content vs. Organic Content: Which is worth it?

One of the biggest questions that companies have to address when advertising their products, and even the brand itself, is whether to seek organic publicity or to put some money aside for paid content…

May 21, 2020
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How to communicate assertively in LATAM during the covid-19 pandemic: stay relevant

In existence since the last days of 2019, the coronavirus spread became a pandemic in mid-March this year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), reaching every continent on planet Earth…

May 19, 2020
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Online Integration: How quality planning can facilitate your company’s migration to the digital environment

We are in 2020, and there is no better time for companies aiming to adapt and integrate their businesses into the digital environment. More and more software and hardware are available…

May 14, 2020
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In the absence of professional sport, Argentina held a “Writing World Cup”

Ivana Soto was crowned champion in the midst of the quarantine brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Behind her came Elena Vinelli and Josefina Gómez, in second and third place respectively…

May 12, 2020
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