What is new in Latin America?

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Peru starts taxing streaming services and other digital platforms

Peru has become the latest country in Latin America to implement a system of taxing placed on streaming services and digital platforms that are used on a daily basis, such as Netflix, Disney+ and other services like Uber, Airbnb and more.  The Legislative Decree 1623, which amends the General Sales Tax (IGV) Law with respect…

August 23, 2024
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One in Eight Latin Americans Value Corporate Social Responsibility

For years, consumers worldwide have seen companies as social agents. The idea that corporations should only focus on providing good services and quality products is now outdated. In this context, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is particularly important in Latin America. Our latest regional survey of over 3,000 people reveals that 81% of respondents say companies’ attitudes…

August 16, 2024
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Now you can donate crypto to Brazilian NGOs

Now you can donate crypto both within Brazil and to the country! This allows companies and individuals worldwide to support projects led by NGOs and other non-profit organizations, helping them achieve their goals. The innovation, a first in Brazil, is made possible by Dominó do Bem, a platform created by Patrick O’Neill, CEO and co-founder…

July 23, 2024
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Learn how the Bases Law impacts businesses in Argentina

Since the approval of the Bases Law, Argentina has redefined its strategies to attract international investors. Incentive Regime for Large Investments To attract international investment, the government established the Incentive Regime for Large Investments (RIGI), offering tax, fiscal, and exchange benefits for national or foreign projects that exceed $200 million in any economic sector. It...
July 19, 2024
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Digital audience engagement: 5 Marketing and PR strategies

In the present day marketing and PR landscape where online interactions dominate, the concept of digital audience engagement has evolved from a mere tactic to a fundamental strategy. The digital transformation has empowered consumers, giving them both a voice, as well as a choice in a way never before seen. As a result, brands are...
May 31, 2024
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Web3 and sports: how blockchain is transforming the industry?

Anyone who thinks that web3 and sport are part of different worlds is mistaken. Sport has evolved, as has the way we consume it, and technology is increasingly an ally of fans each day we pass. And although it is not yet as popular a technology, the main clubs, brands, athletes and sports leagues in...
April 26, 2024
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Technology in Peru: How this industry has changed in recent years

When talking about technology, many people think that Peru is a backward country, that it does not have the capacity to develop and innovate in this field, and that its population is still reluctant to apply technological tools. However, this perception is not entirely true as Peru has made significant progress in science, technology and...
February 23, 2024
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How should advertising be carried out in sports betting in Brazil?

In recent years, sports betting houses have experienced an exponential growth in Brazil, driven by the growing popularity of the sporting universe, especially football. This phenomenon attracted the government's prompt attention, leading it to direct its efforts towards regulating sports betting advertising. According to a survey published in 2023 by Datahub, sports betting grew by...
February 16, 2024
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Christmas shopping: which products sell the most in Latin America?

Knowing which products are sold the most when people do Christmas shopping is fundamental to e-commerces and stores seeking to succeed this season with plenty of opportunities.  Christmas in Latin America is one of the most awaited commercial dates in the second semester. For this reason, many brands invest in advance in marketing strategies and...
December 8, 2023
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CADE Peru: A source of communication opportunities for companies

The most important business leaders meet every year in Peru. Are they taking advantage of all the doors that are opening up in terms of communication? CADE Peru is the most important business forum in Peru, bringing together leaders from the public, private and social sectors to discuss and propose solutions to the challenges facing...
December 1, 2023
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