Celebrate Amor y Amistad Day with your clients

Dos chicas sonriendo para una foto, de pie una al lado de la otra. Ambas chicas visten ropa casual y tienen expresiones alegres y brillantes. El fondo es al aire libre, con luz natural, lo que crea una atmósfera cálida y amigable.

Amor y Amistad Day, celebrated in Colombia on the third Saturday of September, is more than just a special occasion for Colombians – it’s also a valuable opportunity for businesses.

According to FENALCO (the National Federation of Business Owners and Traders), 70% of Bogotá residents will celebrate the holiday in 2024, showing significant growth from the 82% who celebrated it nationally in 2022. This increasing participation and the growing budget allocated for the festivities highlight the importance of incorporating Amor y Amistad Day into marketing strategies.

Amor y Amistad: where shopping meets sentiment

Amor y Amistad Day is more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a time when Colombians come together to express love and gratitude for those closest to them. FENALCO data shows that budgets for this celebration continue to grow, reflecting an increasing willingness to splurge on gifts like chocolates, flowers, and clothing.

But this spending isn’t limited to traditional holiday items. Companies across all sectors have a golden opportunity to connect with consumers on a deeper emotional level. Amor y Amistad offers a unique platform for brands to tap into the powerful feelings of love and friendship that define the season.

Emotional Connection: a must for brands

Kantar Ibope Media’s Target Group Index Study reveals that 80% of Colombians believe in long-lasting relationships with a single partner, and 78% highly value a friendship that stands by them in tough times. These figures emphasize the deep significance of personal relationships in Colombian culture.

For businesses, this presents a key opportunity. By crafting narratives that reflect the values of love and friendship, brands can tap into powerful emotional connections. This approach not only strengthens customer loyalty but also transforms everyday transactions into meaningful experiences that resonate with consumers’ core values.

Strategies for a successful campaign

At Sherlock Communications, we understand this dynamic deeply. With years of successful operations in Colombia, we’ve built a strong understanding of how to connect with the local audience. Here are a few of our insights and suggestions.

1. Develop Compelling Narratives

Brands should focus on creating marketing campaigns that go beyond just promoting products—they should tell a story. Narratives that celebrate love and friendship can grab the public’s attention and foster a deeper connection with the brand. Authentic, emotional stories help consumers relate to the brand, making them more likely to engage.

2. Make the Most of the Digital Space

Social media is a powerful way to connect with consumers during Día del Amor y la Amistad. Digital platforms allow brands to reach a wide audience effectively and affordably. By investing in engaging visuals, special promotions, and interactive campaigns, brands can boost visibility and encourage user participation.

3. Personalize the Customer Experience

Personalizing the experience can set a brand apart in a competitive market. Targeted offers, like discounts for couples or personalized gifts, make consumers feel valued and appreciated, helping to strengthen their connection with the brand.

4. Add a Touch of Social Responsibility

Incorporating social responsibility into your campaigns can make a big impact. Partnering with local charities and donating a portion of sales to causes related to love and friendship not only enhances the brand’s image but also appeals to socially conscious consumers.

Happy Amor y Amistad Day

For Colombians, this day of friendship and romance is one of the most important when it comes to building emotional connections between businesses and customers. It’s essential for companies to show appreciation for the people who keep their business thriving, but in a way that makes customers feel like they’re being invited to an intimate, candlelit dinner.

With the right strategies and storytelling, this kind of personal touch is possible—just as we at Sherlock Communications do every day across the Americas.

Written by: Sergio Hernández