10 Brazilian newspapers you’ll want to read to understand the country

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Knowledge is power, right? Succeeding in a foreign country is all about information – and not just Googling local information or staying up to date with news sources. If you are doing business in Brazil there is nothing quite like Brazilian newspapers to help you truly understand the country. 

Knowledge of traditional media in Brazil and access to media consumption reports can help you understand Brazilian behavior, and increase brand awareness in the press by executing a targeted and effective PR strategy.

Brazil has a rich and diverse media landscape. With a population of over 210 million people, it is home to a large number of newspapers that cover a wide range of topics, from politics and business to sports and entertainment. 

In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the most relevant Brazilian newspapers which you should read in order to gain a better understanding of the country. 

Why is it important to have access to local newspapers?

Reading newspapers is important for foreign companies for several reasons, such as:

  • Market Intelligence
  • Competition Awareness
  • Reputation Management
  • Cultural Understanding
  • Local Networking
  • and others

Let’s look at each one in further detail. 

Market Intelligence:

Newspapers provide up-to-date information on the latest developments in a foreign market, including market trends, consumer behavior and regulatory changes, which can help companies make informed business decisions.

Competition Awareness:

Newspapers can provide insights into the activities of competitors and help companies keep track of market trends, consumer preferences and technological advancements.

Reputation Management:

Articles about a company can shape public opinion and affect its reputation. Reading newspapers can help companies identify any negative publicity and respond proactively to address any concerns.

Cultural Understanding: 

Newspapers can provide valuable insights into the culture, customs and values of a foreign market, which can help companies tailor their products, services and marketing messages to better meet the needs of local consumers.

Local Networking: 

By reading local newspapers, foreign companies can gain exposure to local business communities and identify potential partners, suppliers and customers.

The most relevant Brazilian newspapers

According to recent estimates, Brazil is home to over 200 daily newspapers. The most relevant ones are:

  • Folha de São Paulo
  • O Estado de São Paulo
  • O Globo
  • Valor Econômico
  • Jornal do Brasil
  • Correio Braziliense
  • O Povo
  • Jornal do Comércio
  • A Tarde
  • Zero Hora

These newspapers come all over Brazil and have varying political affiliations, providing readers with a diverse perspective on the country’s events and issues. 

They cover various topics, from local and national news to international events, and are an essential resource for anyone looking to stay informed about Brazil.

Newspapers in Brazil can be divided into the following categories:

  • National newspapers have a national reach and are typically based in major cities like Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
  • Regional newspapers are typically based in smaller cities and towns, and focus on local news and events.
  • Political newspapers are aligned with a specific political ideology or party, and their reporting often has a partisan slant in.
  • Tabloid newspapers typically focus on sensational or celebrity news and are characterized by their use of large headlines and dramatic images.
  • Sports newspapers focus on sports news and analysis, as the name suggests.

Most Latin American countries struggle with a lack of trust in media outlets, but Brazil is a little different. Brazilians are huge fans of news as a source of trusted information. Our recent research shows that 37% of the population trusts TV news most, followed by online news sites (29%), print media (11%) and radio (10%).

As it happens, Brazilians aren’t used to getting their news from newspapers or magazines. In fact, Brazil is the least likely group to do so in Latin America, with more than 32% saying they never do so (compared to 23% in 2020).

But this issue is not as significant as it may appear, since Brazilian newspapers have pivoted online to reach the 76% of the population that is online. And Brazilians trust online news – particularly that of the largest Brazilian newspaper, which we will discuss next. 

The largest Brazilian newspaper

The biggest and most influential newspaper in Brazil is undoubtedly Folha de São Paulo. Founded in 1921, it is one of the oldest newspapers in the country and has a long history of journalistic excellence. 

It is known for its independent reporting and rigorous editorial standards, and is widely regarded as one of the most reliable sources of news and information in Brazil, reaching millions of readers each day.

The newspaper also has a strong online presence which is widely read across the country as well, making it an essential source of news and information for anyone looking to stay informed about Brazil.

In addition to its impressive reach, Folha de São Paulo is also known for its high-quality journalism. The newspaper has won numerous awards and accolades over the years, including several international journalism awards, and it is widely regarded as one of the best newspapers in Latin America.

In conclusion, reading Brazilian newspapers is an essential way to gain a deeper understanding of the country. Whether you are looking to stay informed about politics, business, sports or anything in between, there is a newspaper in Brazil that can help you do just that. 

Whether you prefer to read print or digital editions, or focus on local or national news, Brazil’s newspapers can help to meet your needs. 

Here at Sherlock Communications we maintain close relationships with Brazilian newspaper editors and place many of our clients’ stories there. Our qualified team will work with you to improve your brand awareness across Brazil. 

Written by: Tatiana Oliveira