Social media and public relations: why do they depend on each other?

Sherlock Communications > Latest Posts > 101 tips: marketing and public relations > Social media and public relations: why do they depend on each other?

For two decades, we have witnessed first hand the radical transformation that our lives have undergone due to social media and public relations, which has changed the way  we communicate and our daily routines. Nowadays, social networks have become an invaluable source to connect with friends and stay informed about the day’s most important news.

It is increasingly evident how these platforms have influenced our personal dynamics and how brands communicate with the public. In this context of digital transformation, they have had to adapt to these new changes, but without leaving behind the traditional methods.

For this reason, we, at Sherlock Communications, a PR and digital marketing agency, will explain how this link has shaped communication strategies and intera

How has social media changed public relations?

For a long time, public relations has maintained a close relationship with traditional media, such as press, radio and television. However, with the constant changes brought about by the Information Age, public relations has had to adopt social media as a tool.

This has not only allowed for the consolidation of a stronger communication strategy but also closer interaction with the audience by organizations, companies and institutions. It is important to highlight that in the past, many of these entities had no real closeness with their target audience; however, through the use of social media, direct contact has been established with these audiences.

New solutions to engage audiences

A clear example of this phenomenon can be seen in Colombia, where Luis Carlos Reyes, Director General of the National Directorate of Taxes and Customs (DIAN), has created a space to make the impossible possible: making taxes sound fun. 

Through educational material and witty responses, the spokesperson has managed to gain the trust of Colombians, to the point that they call him “Mr. Taxes.” Through this public relations strategy, the DIAN has managed to create closeness with the public and disseminate the institution’s key messages.

On the other hand, the use of social media has significantly contributed to the rapid visibility and greater reach of public relations. According to an article published in the newspaper La República in 2023, it has been observed that the majority of information reaching users comes from applications such as Facebook, Twitter and now TikTok. 

This rapid dissemination of information through social platforms has provided public relations professionals with an invaluable ally. It allows them to send messages and content instantly, reaching a potentially global audience within seconds.

Why are social networks so important for public relations?

Social networks play a crucial role in allowing us to establish strong ties with journalists and other key actors. An effective way to achieve this is by sharing relevant information about our brand, which can include news, opinions, analysis, as well as other interesting content.

Furthermore, from the combination of social media and public relations we can study how users interact with our posts and the conversations that arise around topics relevant to our company. This provides valuable insights to adjust our communication and public relations strategies effectively.

How to incorporate social media into the public relations plan?

  • Define objectives: It is important to define objectives within your strategy and determine which social networks are aligned with the brand’s goal you want to reach. For example, if you work for a hamburger company and want to increase the visibility of a new product, which social network do you think could be most effective: Instagram, TikTok, or perhaps Facebook?
  • Know your audience: It is important to understand who your followers or potential customers are on social networks. This will help you tailor the content effectively to attract their attention and increase interaction.
  • Identify the right networks: Once you have clear objectives, you should research which social networks are most relevant to your target audience and to achieve your goals. For example, for a hamburger company, Instagram may be effective for visually showcasing its products, while TikTok may be useful for reaching a younger audience and Facebook for a broader audience.
  • Create relevant and engaging content: Decide what type of content (posts, videos, infographics, etc.) will be most effective for your audience and campaign goals. Ensure that each post is interesting, informative and encourages user engagement.
  • Establish a posting schedule: Plan and organize when your content will be posted. Maintain a consistent frequency to keep engagement and visibility of your brand on social networks.
  • Analyze and adjust: After each campaign or posting period, analyze relevant metrics such as reach, interaction, likes and shares. Use this data to evaluate the success of your strategy and adjust it as needed to improve results.

Connecting with journalists and influencers through social media

Through social networks, you can establish relationships with journalists and influencers through constant interaction. In the case of journalists, you can follow them and actively engage with their content. Additionally, you can build connections using relevant hashtags so they can discover your content more effectively.

Likewise, you can create communication channels to share relevant information about your brand. However, in addition to simply disseminating content, it is crucial to build a genuine relationship. Remember the importance of paying attention to signals indicating journalists’ interest in your content and seizing opportunities to build stronger relationships.

In the case of influencers, it is essential to analyze their content beforehand to ensure it aligns with your brand’s target audience. You should also consider their reach and the quality of their interaction with their audience. Once those who identify with your goals are aligned, it is advisable not only to interact with their content but also to initiate direct communication. From this initial connection, you can develop a strategic alliance from which both parties benefit.

Reinforcing a client's message

Social media offers a range of opportunities for the client, such as the dissemination of key messages; social media allows the dissemination of a company’s key messages, such as its mission, vision and reaching a wider audience.

  • Social media reputation management: These platforms facilitate the detection of conversations about the brand, including negative comments. For example, if you work for a major bank and a user posts a video denouncing poor service, you can track it to prevent a potential crisis.
  • Expanded message reach: Through social media, messages can reach a variety of stakeholders, making them stronger and more impactful.
  • Improvement in reputation: Social media allows for closer interaction with customers, offering a platform to interact with both current and potential customers, contributing to improving the company’s reputation.

How can PR professionals use social media for brand reputation?

With social media, public relations professionals have a certain control over brand reputation. This involves staying aware of conversations about a product, service, or even a public figure. 

Additionally, it allows for crisis detection and immediate reduction of its effect. It also contributes to making public relations efforts effective by detecting new trends and opportunities on these platforms. Imagine that an influencer is trending on X for criticizing a makeup company that uses animal testing. This situation is an opportunity to highlight the launch of a new blusher that is completely vegan.

In addition to detecting potential crises, social media also allows for assessment of how competitors are operating. For example, the public relations professional of a major soda company notices that their equally successful competitor has launched a new advertising campaign that has been a hit on social media. 

Faced with this, the professional meets with their team and analyzes what will be the next move for their company. Will they create an emotional video that pulls on the audience’s heartstrings? Or will they create a thread that makes us burst out into laughter?

As we can see, social media is an important ally, not only for public relations professionals but also for marketing experts and social communicators. At Sherlock Communications, we are committed to helping our clients achieve a level of excellence in using social media to enhance their relationships with current or potential customers.

Written by: Laura Reyes